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London Stock Exchange:
Forex market hours clock, countdown and trading hours

Time zone

Forex Trading Hours Clock for the LSE London Stock Exchange (this clock shows current London Time)

0 days : 03 hours : 48 min : 40 sec
to the Closing Bell

Trading Hours for the London Stock Exchange
displayed by the Market 24h Clock:
07:00 am - 03:30 pm
Mondays to Fridays

Market Hours that are displayed by the Market24hClock are the Continuous Trading Session for LSE Equities. Click here to see all market hours for the LSE. The current open status of the London Stock Exchange is highlighted in orange: orange sector in the Market24hClock, orange countdown and orange sector in the LSE Market Hours Clock you can see above. When the market is closed, sectors and the countdown turn gray.

Click the bell sign to turn on /off the sound notification for the London Stock Exchange opening or closing bell.
Daylight Saving Time changes are taken into account when calculating the Opening/Closing Bell countdown.

Other and Timezone Information about LSE London

Change to Winter Time:

October 27 - 01:00 UTC / 02:00 BST

Standard time zone (Winter):


Timezone offset during Daylight Saving Time (Summer):

UTC +1

It is Daylight Saving Time (It is Daylight Saving Time in London)

Official webite