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U.S. - European Forex Market Activity Sector

Time zone

  • European Market Activity Sector, Summer
  • European Market Activity Sector, Winter
12:30 pm - 04:30 pm

This Activity Sector starts right or some time after European lunch. Activity gathers pace; North American exchanges and banks open for business, and then the Europe and the United States trading overlaps introducing a sufficiant amount of aggression into the trading.

Influential news and data for USD come out approximately from 01:30 pm to 03:00 pm (Source) and play the most important part in the North American Session.

Here are the most strategically important moments of this Activity Period: 01:00 pm, 02:00 pm and 02:30 pm

Activity continues to peak either utill the end of the European session (see "for Winter"), or for one more hour after the Europe exits the market ("for Summer"). By the U.S. lunch time it usually goes down.

A Strategic Point for the end of the European session: 04:35 pm

Read more:

U.S. - European Overlap North American Trading Session

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